About the AFAKMODB
The Modulator Burns Module is a visual and clearly labelled soft pack that can be ordered individually as a replacement module for The Modulator Softpack or The Modulator Metal Cabinet editions.
This module can also be used in addition to any core workplace kit for compliance where a high risk of burns injury has been identified or as a single standing burn kit.
Ensures hassle–free servicing and easy re-stocking with individual replacement modules
Kits – People
Kits – Treatments
Burns, CPR, Dressings and Bandages, Eye Injury, Major Wounds, Minor Wounds, Snake Bite
Kits – Industry
Vehicle, Workplace and Office, Worksite Area
Product Description
About the AFAKMODB
The Modulator Burns Module is a visual and clearly labelled soft pack that can be ordered individually as a replacement module for The Modulator Softpack or The Modulator Metal Cabinet editions.
This module can also be used in addition to any core workplace kit for compliance where a high risk of burns injury has been identified or as a single standing burn kit.
Ensures hassle–free servicing and easy re-stocking with individual replacement modules
Kits – People
Kits – Treatments
Burns, CPR, Dressings and Bandages, Eye Injury, Major Wounds, Minor Wounds, Snake Bite
Kits – Industry
Vehicle, Workplace and Office, Worksite Area