PUAFER006 – Lead An Emergency Control Organisation

Course # PUAFER006

Commonly referred to as the Chief Warden course, this unit  applies to individuals who may be required to make decisions about the safety of occupants of a facility during an emergency and to give instructions on the priority order for responding to an emergency incident, including command, control and coordination of facility emergency response procedures and concluding the facility emergency incident.  They may also be required to act as the primary liaison with emergency services.  Individuals who undertake this role will generally be members of an Emergency Control Organisation (ECO), acting as chief wardens, deputy chief wardens and communications officers. 

The course has been developed to cover a broad range of emergencies and facilities as considered in Australian Standard 3745 and Australian Standard 4083.   It applies to employees in the workplace within all industries and in all contexts.

Participants in this course will also learn how to effectively:

  • Apply Work, Health and Safety (WHS)/Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements
  • Brief emergency services personnel
  • Command, control and coordinate facility emergency response procedures
  • Comply with legislation, industry standards, codes of practice and regulations concluding facility emergency
  • Give clear directions and keep others informed throughout the emergency in accordance with the facility emergency plan
  • Identify evacuation assembly areas
  • Implement facility emergency response procedures
  • Interpret information displayed on emergency control indicator equipment including fire indicator panel, building management system and security management system
  • Prepare for emergencies in a facility
  • Respond to emergency signals and warnings appropriately
  • Undertake pre-emergency planning

Units Delivered

The following units will be included in your certificate:

  • PUAFER006 – Lead an emergency control organisation

Course Delivery

This course can be delivered/assessed in the workplace or at facility organised by the training provider.

From POA per person

Red fire warden box for concepts such as emergency, fire, help, and assistance.